Coming Soon

Taser Civilian Course

This class will familiarize you with your taser Pulse, Bolt2, C2, and Strikelight2. We will review nomenclature, features and functionality, maintenance, and live fire training with your device. 

Duration: 4 hours 

Taser Security Professionals

Taser Security Professionals

This class will familiarize you with your Taser X1, 7 CQ. We will review nomenclature, features and functionality, maintenance, and live fire training with your device. 

Duration: 4 hours 

Course Syllabus:

The course will provide the trainee with knowledge and skills as set forth by the AXON

Academy/Taser CEW (Conducted Electrical Weapon) Training, to include de-escalation

techniques. The course consists of classroom instruction, discussion, and scenario-based



Minimum Topics/Exercises:

1. Policies and legal issues

2. Annual User Recertification requirements

3. CEW warnings

4. CEW targeting/tactical considerations

5. CEW smart use considerations

6. CEW medical overview

7. Review the Axon Taser training PowerPoint

8. Taser law enforcement product warnings

9. Functional test

10. Live CEW cartridge deployment


The trainee will:

1. Demonstrate knowledge of Department Use of Force and CEW policies.

2. Demonstrate proficiency in the deployment of live CEW cartridges.

3. Demonstrate a clear understanding of the following core competencies:

a. Critical thinking and decision making

b. Active listening skills

c. De-escalation technique

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352 Ocean Avenue

San Francisco, CA 94112

Office: 833-319-0981


Available Courses

Coming Soon Courses
