Close Quarter Combat (CQB)
Close Quarters Combat is a tactical concept and form of combat that occurs in confined spaces, where engagement distances are relatively short and physical proximity between combatants is high. It often takes place in urban environments, buildings, ships, vehicles, or other enclosed spaces where traditional military tactics may be less effective due to the constraints of the environment. This proximity requires students to rely on quick reflexes, precise movements, and rapid decision-making.
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Close Quarters Combat (CQC), also known as Close Quarters Battle (CQB), is a tactical engagement characterized by intense, rapid-action encounters that occur within short distances, typically less than 100 meters. In this dynamic environment, combatants engage each other with firearms, edged weapons, or hand-to-hand techniques, necessitating quick reflexes, precise movements, and decisive decision-making.
Within the confines of close quarters, such as urban environments, buildings, or tight spaces, combatants often find themselves navigating through complex layouts, utilizing cover and concealment to gain tactical advantages while minimizing exposure to enemy fire. This proximity demands heightened situational awareness and adaptability, as threats can emerge suddenly and from unexpected directions.
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352 Ocean Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94112
Office: 833-319-0981