coming soon
Chemical Agent (OC)
Pepper spray
SWAT Academy Inc. chemical agent class meets California Penal Code 12403.5 and 12403.7 for private security guards and civilians. Our course will give students the skills to confidently use OC (Oleoresin Capsicum). This course covers the practical and theoretical understanding and working with pepper spray.
Course Syllabus:
- The history behind chemical agents, their reason, and the laws governing them.
- Legal and moral responsibilities of chemical weapons.
- Who may purchase and possess Chemical Agents?
- Where you can and can not carry them and any penalties associated.
- Use of force. Fundamentals of chemical agent use.
- Various types of pepper spray canisters.
- How much you can carry, different deployment methods and tactical considerations.
- Different manufacturers, mixes, carrying devices, safeties, and tactical considerations.
- Chemical agent familiarization and its uses.
- First aid for chemical agent exposure.
- Students will learn how to properly articulate their reason for using said agent and the placement of a force ladder.
Students will be issued a Chemical Agents Certification Card upon course completion. This certification will allow a private security guard to carry chemical agents as part of your work.
Duration: 2 hours
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Virtual Reality Milo Range
352 Ocean Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94112
Office: 833-319-0981