BSIS Exposed Firearm Renewal

The BSIS Expose Firearm Permit course is for those who want to work as an armed security guard. Students must pass a psychological exam and provide proof of citizenship or legal residency before course participation!

The California Private Security Industry is governed by laws enacted by the California Legislature and contained in the California Business and Professions Code. These laws are known as the Proprietary Security Services Act and the Private Security Services Act and can be found at The Legislature included laws to ensure that armed Security Guards obtain minimum training on carrying and using a firearm.

The firearm training course is designed to teach students basic technical aspects and legal responsibilities inherent in carrying and using a firearm. Knowing how and when to use a firearm to save your life and others and what to do after a shooting. To obtain a Firearm Qualification while working as a security guard, the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services has developed a specific course for training on the moral and legal aspects of carrying a firearm, de-escalation of potentially violent situations, knowledge of the various parts of a firearm, and how to properly handle a firearm. 


Students must pass a psychological exam before taking the class. Only people who are licensed or are in the process of being licensed by BSIS can take this course. Additionally, the student can not be prohibited from owning, possessing, or being around firearms, ammunition, and/or accessories to a firearm. Prerequisite: Students must pass a physical exam and must process a valid guard card or be in the process of obtaining one. 


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Step 1

Sign up on BSIS

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Step 2

Set up usernane and pass

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Step 3

Get the assessment

Renewal Application

Required Training Courses

Firearms Assessment Information Bulletin

NOTE: Effective January 1, 2022, an individual must pass the assessment before submitting a Firearms Permit Initial Application. Applicants for a BSIS Firearms Permit must complete the following training:

Download Assessment

Range Qualification Schedule

Renewing a Firearms Permit

To use the table, first check the expiration date on your firearms permit, find your permit’s expiration month on the table, and follow the schedule detailed in the row. Each schedule provides sufficient time to submit your firearms permit renewal application at least 60 days before expiration, as required by law.

More Info

BSIS Expose Firearm Requalification Part 1

The BSIS Firearm Requalification course. License holders must complete a two-hour use of force class before each testing at the range. Annual range requalification 2 live range tests or 1 live range and 1 virtual reality range test. Prices do not include ammo and range rental, accessories, or fees. Students must book BSIS Expose Firearm Requlification VR along with this class for VR requlification. $40 admin fee for each live range caliber.

Join Course

BSIS Expose Firearm Requalification VR Part 2

BSIS exposed firearm permit holders must complete a two-hour use of force before requalifying at a live range or through a virtual reality range system. Each additional caliber is $10.

Join Course

Part 1 and Part 2 must be booked at the some time*

BSIS Expose Firearm fees

Live fire Expose Firearm Test and Requlificaitons                                        Price
Firearms course, initial, 1 caliber                                                                      $140.00
Firearms course, initial, 2 calibers                                                                    $180.00
Firearms course, initial, 3 calibers                                                                    $220.00
Each additional caliber after 3 calibers                                                          $40.00
Range fee (est. $40), firearm rental (set. $10), and ammo (50 rounds, est. $50)       
Firearms Permit (FQ) Fee
Initial $100
Renewal $118
Replacement Certificate $25
Firearms Assessment (16pf)Paid directly to PSI Services, LLC (PSI) $60
Item Fee
Department of Justice (DOJ) Fingerprint Fee $32.00
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Fingerprint Fee $17.00
Firearm Eligibility Application Fee $38.00
Live Scan Operator Fees(set by Live Scan operator) Variable
Total $87.00+Variable

Duration of class: 16 hours in class, 4 hours range

See all Fees

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352 Ocean Avenue

San Francisco, CA 94112

Office: 833-319-0981


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